Bus Information

Find information about bus stop locations, pick up times and more at Hawaii School Bus Information at HawaiiSchoolBus.com

UPDATE: No Annual One-Way or Round trip passes & No Coupons 

Please be mindful that ALL STUDENTS must apply each quarter in order to ride the bus. 

For those schools that currently have waitlists, we'll be removing names off of the lists as 9/17/23

Applications must be ORIGINAL with parents initials and signature - No Xerox Copies

From the Iao School Family Handbook:


The bus fare is administered through a pre-paid bus pass system.

• Quarterly One-Way Pass - $36.00

• Quarterly round trip - $72.00

the Student Transportation Service Agreement Form and the Safety Agreement Form. Completed

applications should be returned to the main office for processing. Application packets are available

in the main office.

student who rides the school bus should follow the directions given by the bus driver. Students who

refuse to cooperate and endanger the safety of themselves or others will be given a bus referral

and referred to administration. A possible consequence for such behavior is suspension and loss

of privileges from riding the school bus. Students are ONLY permitted to ride on their regularly

scheduled bus route. Parents/guardians will need to make personal arrangements to

accommodate special circumstances.

To view Bus Routes in available in your area, click here

Bus Reminders.docx

Scan me to apply for Quarter 2 online Bus Application