"The Place to Be"
Links to Important Information
Mid-Quarter Grades: Parents/guardians should expect mid-quarter 1 report cards to arrive in the mail early next week. Questions and concerns may be shared directly to teachers. As always, parents are encouraged to monitor student grades using Infinite Campus.
Open House Next Week: Parents/guardians and students are invited to join us next week at Open House. 6th grade on Wednesday 9/11 and 7th and 8th grades on Thursday 9/12. At 5:30 PM in the cafeteria we will hold a School Community Meeting to share school performance data, our Academic Plan, and information about Title 1. Classes will open for visits at 6:00 PM.
Federal Impact Survey: Please complete the form sent home with your child today and return it with them tomorrow morning. One form per student is needed. This survey helps us secure federal funding for our students. Students will give completed forms to their Homeroom teacher.
Uplink Update: Our after-school UPLINK program and REACH Middle School Athletics remain delayed indefinitely as we await state funding. We apologize for this inconvenience. Please continue to check emails and iaoschool.org for updates. There is still space available for students in our After-School STEMworks. For more information contact megan.medley@k12.hi.us or sign up at this LINK.
Partnering for Safety: Parents are encouraged to discuss reporting safety threats with their children. An overview of our emergency responses can be found on pages 35-36 of the Family Handbook. As partners in safety we rely on families and students to report any potentially dangerous situations by calling our Main Office at (808)727-5200 or by texting our confidential Text-A-Tip system at (808)793-7947.
Laptop Computers Available: A limited number of laptops are available for students to borrow and keep at home for the school year. Parents or guardians must visit our Main Office to complete a request form. Once approved, students can take the laptop home. Please note that WiFi is not included.
Therapy Available: Hazel Health is a free mental health service available to all students to help them cope with anxiety, depression, loss, or other mental health concerns. ʻIao School Counselors are Kym Adams (727-5283), Jayme Kahoʻohalahala (727-5292), Ann Jimenez (727-5150), and Cathy Fitzpatrick (727-5291). They can help you with Hazel Health and other counseling and academic concerns.
Monster Mash Needs You: Join the fun and help make Monster Mash a success! We're looking for parent volunteers to assist with setup, dance chaperoning, and cleanup. We are also open to outside vendors. Please contact our PCNC Natalie Capitano at (808)727-5290 or natalie.capitano@k12.hi.us to participate. LINK to Monster Mash flier
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Statement
Click for the notice of non-discrimination and anti-harassment. Click HERE if you need translations.Megan Moniz, Civil Rights Equity Specialist can be reached at (808)600-9417 or megan.moniz@k12.hi.us